Can't quite figure out why I liked this song

This particular rabbit hole is one I can't quite reconstruct the going down of, but it started with some website's revelation of hidden Easter eggs in "Spice World - The Movie" on its 20-year anniversary, and at some point included a look at Mel B.'s inability to correctly pronounce the word "buzzer" on a "Tonight Show" clip, which triggered a strong belief that at one time I really grooved on a Geri Halliwell solo effort.  Despite this, I had some trouble even finding which one, and had to soldier through about three really disappointing "not the ones" before rediscovering "Look At Me".

Initially I couldn't find the video, just soundtracks of the song, so decided I liked the song more because of the video, but now that I've tracked down the video, which left me nonplussed and wondering who made the bad decision to have a phone booth co-star, I guess I tolerated the video because of the song.  In any event, I hate to disappoint you as much as I disappointed myself and my remembered enjoyment of either the song or the video, but cue up the last minute (after the overt Ginger burial, which makes Taylor Swift's "Look What You Made Me Do" self-references to a former life almost subtle, and hardly groundbreaking) with the loose-boweled calliope and the painfully awkward choreography, and see where something akin to "yes" finally kicks in.  I guess I had a crush on her, but it clearly didn't last, and so have to re-elevate Madonna's "Vogue" back up on the pedestal of what this well-meaning "kickstart a solo career" effort tried to emulate.

It's harmless fun, though, and Geri is still easy on the eyes, if over-powdered and tin-man posed.  But it shows how badly certain songs, popular/edgy/self-consciously eye-winking now, are going to age.  Think of Meghan Trainor's "All About That Bass" (already ear-gouging and oh so juvenile) or that latest jazz-tinged Bassey-tating caterwaul with lyrics about spying or undercover something I've having trouble getting Google to recognize.  The public had only pushed "Look At Me" to #18 on the charts of whatever country this video was stolen from, so maybe the masses ultimately do know more than semi-adoring fans.  In my defense, Geri tried hard and enunciated well, and had good handlers.  Maybe I was pulling for her as an underdog, supporting her decision to leave a group that I was too old to - wait, why am I even trying to defend this?  (Geri, if that's you on the phone, I'll probably answer.)

For those who think I sent you there on purpose, as a joke (seriously, I actually did kind of like this cocktail once - listen again and you'll start humming the chorus), here's a blander video to wash the taste of that one out of your mouth:


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