What's this - An Estes Park Schneider building without a permit?

1502 Beck in Cody, Wyoming, before Mark Schneider mucked it up
Mark Allen Schneider is in some hot water in Cody, Wyoming, for building without a permit.  This world traveler, who also owns property in Estes Park, Lawrence, Kansas, and Tucson, Arizona, was apparently too busy, or too stove up, to file for a building permit to place an unsightly pergola on his DIY craft project at 1502 Beck Avenue in Cody, one block south of downtown.

Let's let the Cody Enterprise pick up the story:
So Mark Allen Schneider obviously has some difficulty following the rules, but I'm sure they'll get things all worked out, now that the pergola is built and can't be torn down.  Act first, apologize later.  That seems to be a Schneider mantra.
Now that's attractive.  Wait, this wasn't easy to put up?
Fits right in, doesn't it?  Looks like it was assembled (Lincoln Logs?) in about six hours.
Many thanks to Rhonda Schulte of the Cody (Wyoming) Enterprise for this additional information (above and below), which makes it apparent Cody and Estes Park were cloned from the same Schneider

The lovely Schneider abode at 139 Boyd Lane in Estes Park


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