Wait. Robin Givens is still alive?

Did you know Robin Givens attended Harvard Medical School for two years?  They're not just handing out slots at that place.  Did you know, when I first saw her name trending on Yahoo today in connection with Howard Stern, I thought somehow they were referring to Robin Quivers.
Amazingly, still aiive
I hate to be crude, but the top five Google searches for Robin Givens (who is exactly my age (share the same birthday) yet has lived three lifetimes to my 1/2) are variations of "How Did Robin Givens die?" (like "When Did Robin Givens die" or "Did Robin Givens die in a horrific accident?")
Howard Stern?  Seriously?  I need to enroll in that Colorado radio school that is always being advertised on 104.3 "The Fan".  Your choices, ladies are Brad Pitt or Howard Stern.  So how in the world would you answer "No" to the first and "Yes" to the second?


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