We were soldiers once...and young

"Criticism comes from a position of truthfulness and authority"  - Hegesias of Cyrene

The third century (BC) Greek philosopher Hegesias of Cyrene recognized people who complained for complaining's sake didn't always get what they wanted or thought they deserved.

So for the Trail-Gazette publisher to suddenly get religion with regards to buildings being accessible is a bit like the pot calling the kettle a pot.  The Trail-Gazette building used to be a hub of casual drop-ins and vibrant discussion.  Now you can't get inside, unless you are part of the select editorial board "team" endorsing other actions and desires of the editorial board "team".  A selfish, celebratory road-trip column while gas prices simmer and the environment teeters on the brink of collapse?  Really?  

If the Trail-Gazette actually wanted the mayor to re-implement Mayor's Chats, they would banish the current poor man's substitute, the mayor's weekly column of propaganda and good vibrations, already accessible via the News.  Why gleefully hand the mayor both barrels, and then complain about getting hit with buckshot?

If the Trail-Gazette wanted to take the high ground on town board meetings, they would dispatch an actual reporter to actually cover the actual live events, rather than crib from the board packet and ignore public comments.  Future historians will marvel at how numerous public comments summarized in the town board meeting minutes were nowhere to be found in the Trail-Gazette's account of same.  Personal vendetta much?

There is nothing unpredictable or unvetted about the Trail-Gazette's coverage of anything anymore.  Every issue is a drum beat of pro-business, pro-establishment, pro-Boomer "we know and you don't matter" blandishments.  The editorials, where you actually have license to show bias, are frequently unsigned, as if gifted from the gods, yet are too safe by half - bland, sterile, and just plain boring.  We are no longer (if we ever were) a settlement of ranchers with six guns.  Why are we subject to weekly cowboy tales that are no more relevant to our modern Estes lives than jokes about longshoremen, or fond reminiscences of dinners with the Amish? 

Update:  For the record, Ann Finley spoke during the public comment section of the Traffic and Parking update (as did moi, but the Trail-Gazette denies my very existence), not Jamie Palmesano.  Jamie Palmesano was in attendance at the Study Session prior to the town board meeting, but I don't think she was in attendance two hours later at this part of the town board meeting.  Regardless, she didn't speak during the public comments section of the meeting.  That was Ann Finley.  I've pointed this out to the Trail-Gazette editor and publisher, and it is something they don't care about and can't be bothered to correct.  If they can't fix the simple things, why should you trust them to fix any real errors or misrepresentations?  Answer:  You shouldn't.  See the recent R-3 District School Board election, where Boulder County was supposedly still counting ballots months later, even though the Boulder County Clerk in charge of elections, at my behest, informed the Trail-Gazette the same day this falsehood appeared they were done counting ballots.  Oh, and who was behind that falsehood, as well as the "mistake" noted above?  None other than the T-G's star (only) reporter Tim "Mosey" Mossy Ear, who let me have it today in an email that I will definitely publish in its entirety when he quits this one-horse town.


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