Stop playing games, Estes Park

Let's see, what has a chance of decreasing the risk of spreading COVID and decreasing the risk of catching COVID?
Is the answer: (A) Masks or (B) No Masks You bottom dwellers out there who just watched COVID cases in Estes Park skyrocket by 100 in two weeks (when no one is even bothering to offer testing, or get tested) and read the report (or skimmed the report, or saw the headline, or didn't pay any attention) that 30% of people who contract SARS-CoV-2 in the United States suffer from Long Covid symptoms, how bout if you stay the f*** away from me with your COVID breath? I won't die if I catch COVID, you obviously don't think you will ever die, but statistics prove me right and you wrong. I'm trying to save you from yourselves, you backwater dumfug cretin "I slept through science class" morons and idjits. Why do you somehow think you have the moral or intellectual high ground, when you are still unable to distinguish between a virus and that nasty drip, drip, drip of gonorrhea? You drove your 50 cc scooter onto a major information highway, and while everyone with brains is honking their horns at you and telling you to get the hell back into your cave, you seem to want to spout off and share how happy you are to be putting the country right back into the same sad situation we've already faced THREE EFFING TIMES ALREADY in the past two years.


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