For all those who hate me

in Estes Park, who will never, ever vote for me, even if I am the only candidate on the ballot, why don't you hate me enough to volunteer to come out and pick up trash on the one day in your hectic, frantic, purpose-filled lives designated for anyone and everyone to pick up trash in town without getting their picture in the paper or their name on a plaque?
Are you lazy? The orange bag above was filled from a few Estes Park businesses too lazy to pick up the junk littering their parking lots and peripheries. It took all of 30 mintues to fill up a giant orange bag with bottles and cans and cups and junk mail. It wasn't hard to find, and it wasn't difficult to extract. You don't have 30 minutes to pick up your mess, yet you expect me to spend my entire life unwaveringly supporting gaudy business plans and workforce housing plans and hang on the rotating, short-lived Chamber CEO's every word (except when she has COVID, or is hosting COVID forums she has no business hosting - I'm not enough of a whore to bend over for that to appease your burning desires) when I'm one of the dying few who actually bothers making your buinesses better by shopping and doing, rather than by ceaselessly jabbering and driving down to Costco? I would love for any current or former town board member or any current or former hospital board member to post a picture of the trash they picked up today. I can tell you in advance how many bags that will be - ZERO - because they are too important to get their hands dirty when they can instead dip manicured fingers into federal and state funds, and add nonsense positions in nonsense organizations (really, the Newcomers Club is now something equivalent to Doctors Without Borders?) to their resume. If you haven't figured it out yet, or need me to hit you over the head with it, I picked up trash in the parking lot and out of the near-dead landscaping at the thriving business of one of our current beloved town board trustees. You're folking welcome. Be the change you wish to see in the world. Or maybe you think beer cans and vodka miniatures and hubcabs littering your property are actually adding to its allure. No question all you board members think the ten minutes spent preparing for meetings and grandstanding while tuning out constituents during public comment is both endearing and widely, wildly condoned by all beyond your circle of thrice-weekly drinking partners at the Rock/Clubhouse/Wheel and your soused, sorry, second go-round replacement spouses).


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