You know the drill

Our mayor is back contributing her piffle to the two news outlets in town.  The Trail-Gazette, which is about to lose $10k a year publishing public notices nobody reads (because nobody reads the Trail-Gazette), will continue publishing these weekly pep rallies despite the mayor treating them with outright disdain because they have no other content if Tim "Mosey" Mosier doesn't contribute something about more uncounted ballots remaining in Boulder County from the November 2021 school board election. The only thing the Trail-Gazette covers, badly, regarding our local school board is elections - The school board has met three times since that election, and the Trail-Gazette hasn't even bothered posting a Zoom link.  They still list the former school board president Laura "I Like Beer, Get Off My" Case as the contact for any school board questions.  Maybe Mike "Romano" Romero thinks she looks better in a bikini.  That's Mike on Mike - loves the sizzle, spits out the steak.

So Wendy "Windy" Koenig says "you know the drill" when it comes to dealing with another wave of COVID (really just the same cycle repeated ad nauseam, occasionally tamped down by responsible people doing responsible things, and then re-inserting itself into the forefront when irresponsible people behave irresponsibly).  I'm not sure exactly what that means - Should board of adjustment board member Joe Holtzman start cranking out MORE anti-vaccination messages on FB?  Should we bring yet another outside entity into town to do our testing for us?  We've only had two years to prepare for this most recent uptick.  Have we enrolled ass. town administrator Jason "Broken" Damweber in a four-year program to learn the basics of PCR?  Is it too much to ask our local hospital to take over the pretty simple responsibility of testing its own 1000 winter citizens?

Actually, poor Wendy never handled COVID properly from the beginning, didn't know if she should be an outright denier or just continue mouthing the party line while working behind the scenes to discredit and disavow the science.  She never wears a mask outside, and I've never seen her wear a mask inside when she is off camera.  I fear she is now tiring of having to deal with COVID, similar to a under-qualified general who tires of fighting a war halfway through a battle to liberate a minor and inconsequential territory held by an incompetent enemy, only made competent in contrast because of the lack of backbone in the forces under the under-qualified general's command.  You can't appease everyone, but the important thing among leaders is to distinguish early on who you should listen to versus who you should dismiss as ignorant and backwards.  (Hint: Joe Holtzman is not ever going to be on the short list for a Nobel prize in medicine and physiology.  Similarly, any NFL team that signs up Antonio Brown now, after debacle #4, shouldn't pretend they aren't building a roller coaster ride.)  

The mayor didn't sign on for this.  Don't you understand?  She expected everyone to fall in line and greedily devour the crap she constantly doles out.  She wants COVID to just go away, similar to all those constituents she wishes away who didn't vote for her because they were concerned about her leadership abilities during a time of crisis.  She can play the victim, or the put-upon Girl Scout cookie chair, but can she actually say things in public and follow through on them without violating promises she already made to a select few in private?

I recently overheard her attributing the unexpected departure of Ken Zornes to "heart problems".  What an interesting way to characterize having to leave town because your second wife, a harridan and modern-day witch if there ever was one, did a horrible job of raising her children properly.  I guess he lost heart, or was promised a heart, or goes where he is told to go.  Maybe as COVID continues and Mayor Koenig grows so tired of having to pretend to rally the troops for something she doesn't believe in, she will start experiencing heart problems of her own.  Perhaps she should sit down and reread her own empty, self-helpy echoes broadcast to try filling in a growing chasm of personal despair.  People don't join up, and continue fighting on your behalf, when you constantly disappoint them with empty homilies and calls for perpetual patience.  You eventually have to recognize the select group of "friends" you support unconditionally may have actual, and much more severe, pathological failings. 

Or, because this Estes Park, and those in power remain perpetually and eternally in power until they e-turn on each other because someone in their Rotary circle is perceived to be enjoying a bit too much undeserved wealth or power, just keep cranking out the tripe.  Buck up, campers.  We can all get through this if we just agree, as one body, to tune out the voices we don't cotton to, and ignore those who continue pointing out our glaring insufficiencies, correctly, it turns out, and as they have been, loudly and consistently, over the past two years.


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