That pesky dying thing related to the COVID hoax just won't stop

But I'm sure it's just motorcycle accidents and bullet wounds and aortic aneurysms blamed on COVID-19.  I hear the hospitals get an extra $1 million per death assigned to COVID-19.  So why wouldn't they lower the average life expectancy in the U.S. to pocket a couple hundred million dollars per hospital.  I hear hospitals are actually going out and hiring hit men to run over people so they can get the $1 million bonus for putting "COVID-19" on the death certificate.  That's just what I heard from spending all my waking hours on YouTube searching for anything related to Alex Jones.  And drinking heavily.  Sincerely, your town board appointed and town board supported Board of Adjustment members.
And lest you think this is not a Colorado problem, looka here - This is very much a Colorado problem.


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