Stormwater brewing

Your stormwater utility tax dollars at work come the next flood
So the stormwater utilities proposal hit local mailboxes this week, and on top of propping up broadband for people who need to download their porn faster, I'm not sure of a bigger waste of money than sending yet a second request out to local residents asking for permission to tax their property based on "impermeability" or "imperviousability" or whatever nonsense metric they claimed they needed to pay some outside entity $100,000 to generate (oops, we're already on the hook for $100,000, so we can't back out now). 

Why don't we send satellites overhead to monitor town staff brain impermeability?  We already got feedback on this proposal one year ago from a large group of people, and a majority polled didn't want another tax on something that won't help and will only create more town staff and town staff spouses to complain about the lack of affordable daycare and affordable housing, and town staff kids to complain about nothing to do in Estes Park except raft down the middle of Elkhorn during recurrent flooding that our stormwater utility will likely not prevent until global warming burns off all remaining moisture and only people whose skin resembles that of a tortoise will survive.


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