Mysite yoursite we all need a flopsite

If these prices are correct, the eprecall team has expended $12 plus domain registration fees (no ads) to keep people up to date on where they stand (outside, in the cold) on signatures.  It would be more impressive if their website was a bit splashier, or updated a bit more often, but sometimes grassroots efforts come from people who smoke a lot of grass, and don't have time to submit new copy to a webmaster when they are stockpiling Doritos.

These are now the eighth and ninth announced signing dates, and if they average 10 signatures each appearance, they will be up to 90 by the end of the month.

Let's accost as many people as we can, maybe give volunteers a bell to ring

I'm not claiming time is running out, because organizers are tight lipped as to how far they are along.  The bar is quite low in a community whose deplorables basket overfloweth, and there is always a boost associated with the town administrator advertising on your behalf.

I will be more disappointed in them if they can't get close to the required number of signatures, and go out with a whimper instead of a bang, circa recall group 2017.  That would be incredibly embarrassing for any number of folks (including Heidi Conrad's Facebook friends, which see, right, Trustee Zornes?).  Sadly, without much effort, I could find 350 people in town willing to sign a petition asking for the library to stock more books on white supremacy.  Heck, 250 people voted for Bob Holcomb in the last election, and this was in a 10-candidate field.

My guess is, if the recall group gets within 10 names, they won't have trouble enlisting remaining skeptics/those afraid of reprisals/selected town board members who are waiting to see how close they come before committing.   Or maybe they already have the requisite number of signatures, and are just pushing to make the announced number more impressive, like 400 out of the 4000 in-town voters.  Won't that be a wonderful waste of $20,000?

What is clear is that they have been pushed out of (or exhausted) their chosen town-sponsored (sorry, district sponsored, they have nothing to do with the town, and the town actively campaigns to have them move elsewhere) spots, and are now just fishing randomly for names.  When you ask for supporters, you get supporters.  When you stand out on a street corner begging, you often get an earful.

I feel a bit sorry for a group that is so dedicated to a cause and yet so ignored.  Oh wait, that would be all the folks who want CDIV to stop advocating for child welfare while honoring a pedophile via a statue dedicated to same outside his very shop.  Catholic church much?


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