Estes Park awash in fake $20 notes

Consumer alert - A bunch of bogus bills have been recovered from transactions at Estes Park fudge shops.  Make sure you know how to recognize Andrew Jackson - He doesn't look anything like the following:

Do not accept these bills if foreign-looking types are attempting to pass them off on the $8.99 wallet-sized tin of Caramel Crisp.  Yes, yes, we know these notes are actually worth more than $20 U.S., but you are not advanced enough to recognize this yet, Estes Park merchants - Wait until Jim Pickering hosts another secret meeting at the U.S. Bank community room to bring you up to speed.

Also, this is a strange-looking $5 bill, or is it?  Maybe Abraham Lincoln wore cheaters, and maybe every other bill you've taken in prior to this is a counterfeit one:


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