Easier just to put a loaded gun in your mouth
So any number of questions are raised by the following:
Why, after such a tragic event, would lawyers for Sacred Heart University blame the student's "carelessness and negligence" as it related to the manner in which she ate the pancakes?  Why not just blame the pancakes?  Seriously, is there a careful, prudent way to eat pancakes?  Was there a class on "Pancake Eating" at Sacred Heart that she recklessly dropped before the final?  It would be like blaming a pedestrian run over by a car for "her strange and stealthy way of crossing the intersection".

Why didn't Sacred Heart University just host a drinking contest, like any normal university?

What role does the word "allegedly" serve in the phrase "allegedly began to shake uncontrollably and fell to the floor"?  Did some eyewitness accounts contradict this?  Did she instead "shake in a controlled fashion", or perhaps shimmy?  Did a naysayer assert she didn't fall to the floor, but rather "threw herself to the floor"?

It sounds like a choking death.  The first sentence indicates it was a choking death.  Was she the only person who attended the charity fundraiser?  Were other participants shaking uncontrollably and falling to the floor, or how is it that no one had the time or inclination to attempt dislodging whatever was choking her?


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