Family needs answers, Estes Park loses interest

Painfully thin, potentially Girl Interrupted more than Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, easily overpowered, easily discarded
It has now been ten days and Estes Park residents have moved on to the Jazz Festival and fights over how many women should have statues built in their honor in Bond Park.  Meanwhile, a formerly living, breathing young woman recovered by competing interests from the Big Thompson is the topic of maybe one saltatory thread on Facebook, her car still missing, her family still baffled by why she came to Estes Park, and how a missing vehicle is not considered foul play, or at least worthy of the attention span of four of the eight Scripps spelling bee champions.  On Maui, they continued searching for answers when no good news was thought possible for 17 straight days.  In Estes Park, we stopped questioning the crap sandwich we were being fed after the first bite.


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