And then really help me understand this

The following 9 individuals gave money to the GoFundMe site to file lawsuits against the proposed mountain coaster (because it is a commercial enterprise in a residentially-zoned neighborhood), and also added their names to a list of 500+ Historic Stanley Home Foundation (a commercial enterprise in a residentially-zoned neighborhood) supporters, likely knowing they would be asked to contribute funds towards this cause as well.  So not only are they seemingly at cross purposes, they are providing money to at least one of the two efforts that are at cross purposes.  They are essentially funding both sides of the same fight.  Now that is the true definition of democracy, or bad betting, or something.

Lynn Bopp, Mary Bopp = $250, $250, $250 = $750
Jean McLaren = $300, $300 = $600
Jack Boatman, Jan Boatman = $100
Alan Groesbeck, Kathy Groesbeck = $100
Keith Stephenson = $50
Jane Truesdale = $50


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