And then how does Estes Park spell jewelry?

Everyone, over the next few weeks, look for the sign in the prominent Estes Park business window announcing a "Jewelery [sic] Sale".  It has long been my contention that Estes Park needed a town spell-checker more than a town PIO.  We are on display to the world, we are selling jewelry, for goodness sake, and we don't even know how to spell it.

Now for those who contend, "Oh, maybe it is a UK or Canadian or Aussie way of spelling, maybe the store owners are not from the U.S.", here are the responses to that nonsense:

Face up to it, Estes Park, collectively we are not a very intelligent place.  And we put that on public display every single day.  Proudly.  Our Secretary of State, an Estes Park High School graduate, mangles the English language.  I don't ask much of my elected officials, but I do think if they were born here, they should recognize that subjects and verbs need to agree.

No one in the civilized world spells "Jewelry" like Estes Park does.  Maybe we can tell the store owner to change it, but you go ahead.  I've attempted that in the past, and earned a seat full of buckshot for my trouble.  Estes Park just enjoys being dumb.


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