Apparently we already have high-speed broadband

Count me among those who didn't think it was possible for Estes Park to already have high-speed broadband a few months after the town board agreed to fund high-speed broadband:
P.S.  NONE of the residents EVER thought it would be possible?  Were all 6000+ year-round residents surveyed and I somehow missed it?  Bill Urquhart never agrees with anything - did he also think it would NEVER be possible for little ole Estes to achieve high-speed broadband?
P.P.S.  I would like my high-speed broadband now.
P.P.P.S.  Last I checked, Estes Park was at an elevation of 7522 feet.  I guess we could be rounding up to 8000 feet, but are we also rounding up to high-speed broadband?


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