Out of control

Not "Open for Business".  The new motto for the Chamber of Commerce should be "Out of Control".  There are well over 100 COVID cases now in Estes Park.  Saturday was the day of catching up, and 20 more cases were added for November 5 and November 6 alone.  That is more cases than the entire months of June and July.  In two days.  Where is our mayor?  Where are our 'rust-eez?  Where is our valiant hospital?  Wolfing down valium?  Who will broadcast the news that Estes Park is very much in the midst of an exploding, life-altering outbreak?  Who indeed?  Tune in to AM 1470 radio, where, once again, you can chase pikas to your heart's content.  Maybe we can start having a scavenger hunt for live bodies.



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