Another day, another death

Estes Park now has 7 deaths from (ha-ha) 100 cases.  Either the testing sites need to do a better job of collecting proper samples and analyzing them, or, since the local entities involved in both of these activities will claim they are doing a perfect job of collecting samples and analyzing them, we have one of the highest case-fatality rates in the nation.  It's your choice, Estes Park Health and Salud and Larimer County Health Department.  Instead of half-assing this, it's now time to call in the big boys and ask for help.  We don't want to beat Iran and North Korea for either (A) deaths per case count or (B) hiding things.

Welcome to Estes Park, home of the the "We're Always Open" sign, courtesy of the Chamber of Commerce, where the waters are always Giardia free and the air is only going to kill 1 out of every 10 visitors.  But hey, our fire department keeps everyone safe from everything.  Alcohol poisoning might be a better way to go, as espoused by half of our downtown merchants, who get drunk at the Wheel every other night now (maybe always, I'm not a regular) and share (I'm not kidding) stories about their vaginas.  Loudly.  So that everyone within a three-block radius can hear and enjoy.


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