Your Estes Valley Library district tax dollars at work

What, praytell, is this?
Is the Estes Valley Library a participant in the Walker/Jirsa recall, an accidental participant, an innocent bystander, or what?  If they were duped into hosting an event policy prevents them from hosting, why provide helpful directions to where the emigrants limped off?  Do these districts (remember, they are not town entities, and have giant walls between themselves and the town hall, almost like cones of silence or hermetically sealed bell jars) communicate with each other?  Do they advance either others' causes?

Because if it were me, and I had accidentally allowed a group into my building that policy didn't allow me to book, because I had been duped or someone on my staff had been duped, I sure as hell wouldn't be providing helpful directions on where to go instead.  A "Not Here" would appear to suffice.


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