How NOT to get at the truth

"Codes are good.  Codes are necessary."  Once you see these proposed talking points, you can rest assured nothing of value is going to come from the meeting between building contractors and town staff tomorrow, except to make it clear yet again who holds the power in that particular relationship.

The contractors, who were hesitant enough to speak at the last town board meeting for fear of reprisal, are now going to clam up completely.  If you wanted to hear honest opinions, you should have been at the Mayor's Chat.  Everything subsequent to that, especially everything subsequent to the part where more than one contractor was calling for a certain town administrator's head, has been a massive "How do we pretend to be listening while keeping things status quo?" campaign.  The "facilitator" is the new-fangled way to pretend.  Maybe Nicolas Maduro has a great facilitator when his Venezuelan subjects beg for milk and medicine.  Maybe the contractors should bring along their own facilitator.

Oh well.  The contractors had their chance.  More "we need floor plans" for projects that don't require floor plans are guaranteed, more six-month delays and misdirection for approvals that should be turned around within a week are on the horizon until the next meteor strike wipes out the populace.


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