Big County, Big Results

When will our former superintendent stop applying for positions and actually start thinking about returning to Estes Park? Returning some of his hush fund money, that is. We clearly overestimated his ability to swing a big stick. He can't even find gainful employment in Craig. Craig is like the Craigslist of Colorado towns, if Craiglist was entirely devoted to selling raw sewage. We taxpayers handed him a huge goodbye bonus because there were no jobs left to apply for at the time of his release (supposedly), yet he has already applied for three jobs and for some reason, these tiny-minded boards all keep finding and hiring candidates who are much less qualified and much more concerned about something other than the kids, which is the Sheldon m.o. (and no, that doesn't mean money order, and no, I am not advocating starting a GoFundMe as it becomes clearer and clearly we backed the wrong horse for 8 years and then gave him a big bonus so-long bribe like he had just won the Kentucky Derby running backwards.
You mean Craig, Colorado is somehow unimpressed with someone sporting a stellar Park School District R-3 background? That would be like saying a former POTUS was unqualified to serve on the Allenspark cookie bake-off competition judging committee, wouldn't it? Estes Park is the cat's pajamas, the height of class in a sea of surrounding swamp gas. This is Sheldon Effing Rosenkrance, for God's sake. Do you not realize how terrible a decision is was to let this man go, when he could get any silly job in any silly lesser school district he applied for? He may have already used up his travel mileage bonus traveling across the county applying at all the remaining one-room schoolhouses. Could he perhaps apply closer to home, say, the YMCA day camp assistant director position or Mountain Top HR administrator apprenticeship? He probably will lose out on those interviews as well, a garden slug may have a more impressive resume, but at least he won't have to book a Hampton Inn for the meet and greet evaluation. And it is, after all, about the kids. Right? Shannon "In Good" Faith? Either Estes Park is full of itself, or, no, there is no other possibility - Estes Park is full of itself. Everyone in a position of authority somehow thinks having to face the buzzsaw of our erudite electorate (all two of them) and the withering questions hurled at them by power brokers like Frank Theis (between Lonigans' sets) overqualifies them for any job they hold, and definitely qualifies them to hold similar positions (title wise) anywhere on the eastern seaboard. The stuff Estes Park is full of smells of bluster, ragtag overconfidence, and rancid horse plop. But the dumb people run the show, and when they don't, they threaten recalls while forcing us to all drink our tea sitting in horseshit.


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