
Showing posts from July, 2022

Hello Larimer County - Welcome to Monkeypox

Just wondering - Monkeypox is not techinically (only) a sexually tranmitted infection, but rather one spread by close, prolonged contact. Still, would any former Chamber of Commerce head who violated every sane tenet of how to deal with COVID-19, especially violating the tenet of how not to behave when you got it by willfully spreading it to family members (with or without their approval or signed release forms), now feel compelled to bugger their offspring to "get this over with"?

Wanna race?

Remember way back in 2020 when Estes Park had 37 cases of COVID? Ah, the wonder years, when we wondered how many of Donna Carlson's family members were contributing to this total. Now, Colorado has reached another milestone, 37 monkeypox cases, and the general attitude among locals has been an indifferent and frankly concerning "What's monkeypox, and how can I get a federal monkeypox loan to pay the salary of workers I don't actually have on my payroll, or keep the hospital afloat"? Oh, Bent Dick Turd Ferguson is on Facebook claiming he already predicted in advance, back in 2010, that monkeypox would re-emerge and reach 37 Colorado cases by July 2022, and telling folks you can get vaccinated if you want, he wouldn't, but that is up to you, although he wouldn't, and your are probably a f**** moron for doing so, because he wouldn't, but that is up to you (he wouldn't) - he trained at Johnny Walkers, which is not Johns Hopkins but damn close if y...

I'm sure there 's an interesting story behind this

I'm guessing this is in La Salle County, Illinois, but I have no idea why the story first appeared in French in an Ottawa, Canada, on-line newspaper. The La Salle County Sheriff's Office said Thursday that Ryan A. Rhodes, 31, was arrested for threatening a public official, a Class 3 felony that carries a sentence of 5 to 10 years in prison. Rhodes was taken to La Salle County Jail, where he arrived on Thursday. This investigation was conducted by the La Salle County Sheriff's Office Investigations Division. Update: Because Ryan A. Rhodes is from Ottawa, Illinois. I still don't get the French connection, though (if you are having trouble following this train, copy and paste the link below in your browser):

Chugging towards 3000

By September, Estes Park, population 6000, will easily reach 3000 COVID cases. We breached 2000 back in April of this year, and we are adding an average of 250 cases per month. This no longer represents the weekly re-infection of Donna Carlson, as she is now Colorado Springs' problem. This is (subtracting Donna Carlson's 1000 cases) 2000 actual Estes Park residents out of 6000 actual town of Estes Park residents who have had COVID. That is not what we are telling the public, however. We just expand the denominator to act like everything is ship-shape. Keep up the good work of expanding Estes Park's ghost population, which is now at 250,000 (we decided to include the outlying Estes Park suburbs of Longmont and Windsor so the case count per 1000 remains low), TA Machaholic. We will get through this, whether complicit board members have to kill us all in order to save us.

Routt County is Steamboat Springs

The idea that Monkeypox could someone spread throughout Colorado defies all common logic. This is not a disease transmitted through airborne particles or suspensions, it is something that takes major, thorough contact to transmit. Plus, we should now all be attuned to any constellation of viral symptoms followed by a rash. Let's not let another easily diagnosed and defeated virus run rampant through our ignorant, bull-headed populace. How about we just decide right now to get vaccinated if necessary, take our viral meds if necessary, and stay the hell away from superspreader events for the time being. Or, why don't we just admit we are too selfish as a country to do any of these things, and prepare for a good-old fashioned monkeypox outbfreak.

Jason Van Tatenhove sworn in at 1:15 p.m. Mountain Time

This is a big deal, even if the Trail-Gazette pretends it isn't.

Live feed from January 6 Congressional hearings - 12:27 p.m. Mountain Time

Jason Van Tatenhove is on the right. Likely going to begin testifying after hearing resumes (there was a short "10 minute" recess after opening statements and congressional testimony with lots of video highlights which has extended to 20 minutes and counting).

Estes Park's own to testify in D.C. today

Jason Van Tatenhove is sheduled to testify at the January 6 insurrection hearings today on Capitol Hill. Jason is the first local resident to make national political headlines since ever. (We could insert Enos Mills pre-radio and television, but that requires advance notification of our Historian Laureate, who has right of first refusal on anything related to Estes Park's history.) The Trail will not be covering this event, opting instead to post another video of chipmunks running across the road.

Sprinkle on another 20,000

20,000 deaths was something all sane U.S. citizens would have shrunk from in horror at the start of the pandemic. It was just too gruesome to contemplate. Now, 20,000 deaths on top of the 1 million already racked up are treated by the grifters and deniers as just piling on, beating a dead horseman, so to speak. So enjoy your extra 20,000, filthy MAGA-ites. It's just the spice on top of a death stew you continue stirring and stirring while Rome (GA) and Ithaca (NY) and York (PA) and Berlin (TX) burn.

What a tragedy

If this poor individual had died of COVID, the Trail would at least have had an excuse not to cover her demise. Obviously not a GOOD excuse, but John Cullen's disapproval carries a lot of weight financially. He wags a finger, we file away another recipe for fried chicken. As it is, once again, the Trail seems to drag its tail on reporting anything of significance happening in the area. People die out here, people embezzle out here, people peddle underage girls out here, people exploit the working immigrant population out here by packing them in like sardines and overcharging them for rent, and none of that is worth scaring the tourists over. The Trail used to at least pretend to want to be the reporter first on the scene in a town with no legitimate competition. Now they just farm everything out to Jibber Jabber and News 9 in Denver.

Big County, Big Results

When will our former superintendent stop applying for positions and actually start thinking about returning to Estes Park? Returning some of his hush fund money, that is. We clearly overestimated his ability to swing a big stick. He can't even find gainful employment in Craig. Craig is like the Craigslist of Colorado towns, if Craiglist was entirely devoted to selling raw sewage. We taxpayers handed him a huge goodbye bonus because there were no jobs left to apply for at the time of his release (supposedly), yet he has already applied for three jobs and for some reason, these tiny-minded boards all keep finding and hiring candidates who are much less qualified and much more concerned about something other than the kids, which is the Sheldon m.o. (and no, that doesn't mean money order, and no, I am not advocating starting a GoFundMe as it becomes clearer and clearly we backed the wrong horse for 8 years and then gave him a big bonus so-long bribe like he had just won the Ke...

Time to Zoom

30 cases per day in our little snowglobe is nothing to sneeze at, or cough at, or ventilate on.

Out of control

Estes Park, welcome to your worst nighmare