Recently defeated school board candidates plotting a coup

There isn't enough room in the title section for the actual title of this entry, which is:

Recently defeated school board candidates, along with currently disenchanted school board members who lost their positions and Trail-Gazette publisher Mike "Stir Things Up For Increased Clicks" Romero, plotting a coup.

Current remaining angry board members Eric Adams and Jason Kushner (who expected to be president and vice-president, respectively, following Danielle "I'll never concede" Wolf's re-election), with help from term-limited Laura Case, Danielle "I'll never concede" Wolf, and Margaret "Still Boulder County ballots left to count" Mauerman, are planning to overthrow the results of the recent November EPSD R-3 board of education election, and take back their positions (including positions they never held, if the certified results are accepted), with force if necessary.

Recognizing that all they have worked for will be swept away when Sheldon Rosenkrance is fired in January 2022 and a more conservative superintendent and administration cemented in place, Adams, Kusher, et al. have enlisted the help of the Trail-Gazette publisher and lead reporter in plotting a coup.

Conspiracy, from the Latin con spire, meaning breathing together, is no more apt than in this case, where all five board members and former board members have been meeting and breathing together in hushed tones (probably without masks) to plot how to bring down Stacy Ferree, Ava Kendall, and John Davis, if not through intervention by the Secretary of State (guess which color the SOS bleeds, and I'm sure party politics would never enter into a local election), then potentially through threats of violence, even to the point of putting tanks on the streets.

Stay tuned. 


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