Let the record show

On Tuesday, 14 December 2021, Larimer County passed 400 deaths, Colorado passed 10,000 deaths, and the United States passed 800,000 deaths from COVID-19.

However you want to summarize two years of the world discovering and dealing with SARS-CoV-2, we as a society have handled it incredibly poorly.  The fact that Dan Denning and Bent Dick Turd Ferguson are still allowed to post COVID denials and unscientific garbage and nonsense on FB, while my responses are repeatedly censored, helps to explain why we as a nation will absolutely reach 3 million deaths before this is even close to being over, and morons like Dan and Bent Dick are finally silenced, with their ignorant, shameless, caviling mouths slammed full of dirt one way or t'other.

Is it harmonic convergence?  Is it just desserts for ignoring facts set out right there in front of us?  Let's see, a huge tidal wave of Omicron is breaking over the U.S. as we speak, and how many readers are reviewing holiday travel plans already in place?  I'm guessing none of you.  Sew the wind, reap the medical oxygen and medical staff shortages across wide swaths of the county come January.  And I'm proud to be Anna 'Merican, where at least I still can lie/out my ass despite the cold hard facts while those around me die./And I gladly lie down next to you on that cold hard slab./As long as you aren't black or Jewish, or a blanket-headed Arab.


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