I'm so glad, we have TAB

TAB, the defunct, saccharine-laced, cancer-inducing diet soft drink, all of that badness is back and in full force with Estes Park's TAB, the maskless group that controls town purse strings through advocacy and the latest Reader's Digest-supplied environmental punchcards.  

Here is how TAB saw 2021 parking.  Hint - They want to INCREASE the $2/hour rates downtown.  It is simply not enough to be twice as expensive as Denver, you must actively chase people away, and until are streets are deserted in July, TAB hasn't done its job protecting the world from congestion and driving more than 20 feet to find a space (Note - Most people come from more than 20 feet away to visit Estes Park - Should we restrict visitors to those within walking distance?)

Read their un-elected, who appointed these bozos recommendations Here

and Here

My only question is:  When is the town going to appoint a subcommittee to look into animal names and their impact on people's willingness to spend $10/hour for parking?


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