Letter from a friend

The obvious health benefits of colloidal silver.  If you want to become a Smurf.

Dear EPGarbage:  I have done everything the CDC recommended during this outbreak, and paid little attention to the nonsense emanating from the big white house, choosing instead to use their COVID experiences (somebody on the White House staff lost a foot from circulation problems caused by the infection, yet this was kept quiet) as an example.  I have not interacted with the health care system once, not locally or county-wise, since the start of the outbreak.  I have not been tested because I do not need to be tested - I know how to live and garb up when going out and behave if I want to avoid contracting the disease.  There is no "ambiguity" about wearing masks, there never was - There is just people who get COVID making excuses (those that have no earthly reason or excuse for catching it) because they are children intellect-wise or maturity-wise and can't accept responsibility for bad decisions, or admit they are wrong.  I have done my part to keep the hospitals open for those in need.  I am not young, do not have to work constantly exposed to the public, some of whom are just plain stupid and irresponsible, and thankfully, am able through a lifetime of conscious efforts to stay within my financial means, to afford my own disposable masks and gloves, rather than blame someone else for not having the few dollars necessary or the basic common sense to protect yourself in public.  I have health insurance, privately obtained, and am not worried financially about being able to afford a hospitalization from COVID, should one be required.  Others who lived dangerously, I'm sure, got free health care throughout at someone's expense.  Certainly not theirs, because of their sense of entitlement, but I'm pretty sure respirators, and the qualified staff to insert and maintain them, don't grow on trees.  I am not out living my life as if I didn't know what infection was, or how it is spread, or living it fully aware but not giving a damn, and blaming the government or a particular political party for things that really boil down to personal responsibility.

The United States handled this outbreak and continues to mishandle this outbreak worse than any other country, first world or third world.  The Bahamas have 234 deaths, Haiti has 164 deaths.  The U.S. has over 300,000 deaths.  When I point this out to others, they make excuses.  Well, these are warm-weather places.  Well, these don't have anywhere near the population of states in the U.S.  The Bahamas are, what, 100 miles distant from southern Florida?  Haiti has 11 million people, Florida has 21 million.  Haiti has less than 1000 cases per million population.  The U.S. has over 50,000.  Who do you think has more doctors, more hospitals, better access to medicine?  Haiti or Miami?

So what is it about us?  Why are we so willing to die in such great numbers?  Are we ignorant?  Are we uneducated?  Are we proud and ready to sacrifice ourselves to prove our independence?

When it comes to universal health care, I am firmly against it.  Not because I don't think humankind deserves good health and good healthcare, but because half of the population in the U.S. is too stupid to make the obvious connection between good health and personal responsibility.  Not always.  I get it.  Sometimes bad things happen to good people.  But certainly not never.  When you are out drinking and smoking and eating nothing but gas station chocolate donuts and screwing everything that moves or doesn't when in a stupor, I'm not sure I want to be doling out my money for your bad behavior.  

How about a universal health education system?  Why don't we get behind that, so people aren't wasting their weekly paycheck on colloidal silver and bleach baths and witch doctor medicine and anti-malarial or anti-bacterial antibiotics for a viral disease that provide absolutely no benefit, and mostly do harm.  Why should those people be the ones we are wasting our contract tracing dollars and hospital beds on?    


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