Hey, I'm starving here

Transcript of the most bald-faced lies from the MacGregor (s)creed:  If I don't liquidate we will loose (sic, lose, or maybe they'll just unmoor all the buildings from their foundations) everything anyways and then also be bankrupt us.  (sic, impossible to decipher - It's clear she's past the point of being able to afford grammar check)  I just can not allow what happened to my mom once before in Estes to happen again (what, pray tell, is that?  Burn down a shoddily constructed 20-year-old barn from corner cutting and code violations and neglect?).  I can't allow for taxes and payment to big banks cause us to lose anything we have left.  (Again, how does the size of the bank determine which ones are evil?  And should people not have to pay taxes once they've acquired over $5 million in land?  And where is this money for taxes being kept?  In a piggy bank?  Help me follow the logic:  Big banks bad, big private land owners good?)

Lest you think the folks in Ethiopia or the Syrian refugees have problems, along comes Jenna "Tall" MacGregor to let you know what's what.  Jenna and her family have real problems.

She owns a restaurant and two concession stands, yet somehow is starving.  She has at least five commercial properties in town, which would gross $5 million easy if there were placed on the market, yet is headed for bankruptcy.

Obviously, if you have $10 million in a safe deposit box in gold and silver and diamonds and AAA rated bonds and don't want to spend or sell or redeem any of it, you can always "claim" you are poor, and demand handouts.

But don't expect much sympathy from those of us who recognize those folks who complain when the wind blows their yacht too quickly past the free champagne tender.


  1. Crocodile tears. It seems the business concepts of 'surplus,' 'contingency funds,' 'managed risk' and 'free market' are unknown to some business owners in Estes Park. Being a business owner comes with risk, freedom and unlimited opportunities. In Estes Park, for some, it means, fight government regulation, claim poverty and feed at the handout trough when it suits you. Sorry if a few businesses go under, but there is always someone next in line. Less pork and more Darwin.


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