Fred R. Mares, step right up

You're the next contestant on the "I'm Talking Completely Out Of My Ass" show.
Don't eat this.  I KNOW it is runny diarrhea.  Many more of us believe it is runny diarrhea than buckwheat pancakes.

Here is the concluding statement of what Fred R. Mares wrote to the town board recently:

"As I am sure your decision will meet with some dissension, please know that many more of us are in favor of the masking requirement than are opposed."


Fred R. Mares KNOWS this, and wants the town board to KNOW this as well.

Question is, how does Fred R. Mares KNOW this?  How does he know this as a factual piece of valid, scientifically reproducible information?  Did he personally communicate with 6500 people in town?  Did he conduct a telephone poll?  Did he pay an outside firm money to conduct a legitimate telephone poll?

Reverse this statement for a second, and see why some town residents tear out their hair at the completely and utter stupidity of their neighbors.  Fred may be completely right.  Or, Fred may be completely wrong.  Just because you might happen to agree with Fred's OPINION or just because everyone you know (unless you know over 4283 people and can poll them instantaneously) happens to agree doesn't make this KNOWing you are in the MANY MORE majority a FACT.

Suppose someone who lived opposite Fred, someone named Mred R. Fares wrote to the town and said, "Please KNOW that MANY MORE OF US ARE AGAINST blah blah blah THAN ARE IN FAVOR."

To those in favor of whatever, Mred would be seen as unhelpful, a complainer, a miscreant, a Negative Nellie, yet Mred would be just as entitled to his beliefs as Fred.  Right?  Since, in both cases, they are citizens, lawfully expressing opinions.  Not facts, no matter how much they thrust their KNOWses into it.

The reason people like Fred R. Mares wield so much power in this community is not because they are right, it is because they are suck-ups, and think they are right based on agreement with the particular trustee they are enlisting for support/sycophancy, relying on a belief based on an informal poll of the three people in their household, passing this off to a gullible, or simply non-judgmental and "let's give everyone the benefit of the doubt" audience as "I know I am right, and you better know it too, and behave accordingly."

Fred may be right.  Conversely, Fred may not be right.  It would take a vote to determine beyond a shadow of a doubt whether more people, in this example, favor the mask ordinance in town than oppose it.  Maybe the vote would be overwhelmingly in favor.  But until you can accurately look into the future, shut yer yap with the "I'm right" proclamations, and lay off the KNOWs candy.

Sadly, people like Fred believe what they believe makes them RIGHT.  Or, in those cases when their belief doesn't actually have the ability to bend reality to their desires, they run off to another project and another KNOW they foist off on town folk without apology or reflection.  Rest assured, they never lack in self-confidence.  Dumb people rarely do.  And occasionally, they take you right off the cliff with them, sweep you up in the whirlpool of their ability to KNOW things without having any fucking method to actually determine the KNOWing or NOT KNOWing of them.  Simply put, they have no fucking ability to distinguish runny diarrhea from buckwheat pancakes. 


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