Pick the winner

Of some recent prestigious worldwide wildlife photography contest.  (Note:  The key word to ignore here is "wildlife".)

Exactly, E.  Two mice fighting over trash-food someone left on a subway platform.  Something you rarely see in nature, yet have always wished to see.  Mice.  In a subway.  Scrapping. 

The first rule of Mouse Fight Club is:  There is no Mouse Fight Club.  Hence the "Ultima Thulish" accolades and praises heaped on this photograph.  Or something.

Oh, the joys of wilderness unbeknownst to country folk, and the unfailing genius of panels of experts chosen to jury submitted works in this or that competition.  The maudlin Bjork-athon "Dancer in the Dark" won the Palme d'Or at the 2000 Cannes Film Festival, naturally, and "Two Mice Fighting" catapults a guy who LAYS DOWN ON SUBWAY PLATFORMS TO PHOTOGRAPH MICE into the stratosphere of Ansel Adams and David Muench.  As it should be.  Amen.


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