Lest you were confused

that Scott Schneider and the Carriage Hills coven were bent on removing every person who disagrees with them from a position of power (expending town funds on same), until no individuals remained to serve save Scott Schneider and his wife, feast your eyes on the following:

Dear Carly,

In full disclosure, I want to share that I do not live in town limits so can’t vote for any town specific elections.  I do live in Larimer County – in Carriage Hills so am greatly impacted by town decisions, especially those that also include (or exclude) county planning.  I could consider the recent decision (or non-decision as it might be) related to the IGA between the town and county related to planning to fall in this latter category.  Town trustees decisions impacts many.  Also – I have not nor will I post an “opinion” article in the T-G. 

It seems strange (or maybe coincidental) that very soon AFTER the town announced the decision related to ending the agreement with the county related to planning, that news came out that David Bangs is involved in the purchase/development of what many would consider an amusement to be build – on county land, the Mary’s Lake project which includes a “sledding hill” to be opened year-round.

I can only hope that lessons were learned from the Cody Walker fiasco and that you recused yourself from any and all discussions related to the IGA (whether it would have impacted this development or not – it’s all about perception) if you had ANY idea that David might be involved in this venture.  It’s about public perception. OR, that you at least disclosed this potential  conflict prior to discussion. 

True – it is in the county.  True, the IGA has been dissolved.  True, you are the wife of one of the individuals involved in what I anticipated will involve another long “discussion”.  It’s hard to separate the pieces.

I hope you choose to address this potential perceived conflict of interest publicly to avoid additional distrust in town government.  Transparency has been a “buzzword” of the Trustees the past year. Please “walk the talk”.

Thank you –
Rhonda Mickelson



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