So do people's votes count?

Biggest defeat to a ruling government in Britain since the 1920s
Seems like the citizens of the U.K. already voted on leaving the European Union.  Now it seems like, because the method of Theresa May's leaving the EU has been overwhelmingly rejected and her government likely dissolved in the coming days by a vote of "no confidence", the people will have to vote again.

Maybe government by the people and for the people is just a bit of leftover propaganda from the caveman days.  Maybe we should all just admit that we, the people, don't get to vote on issues of importance to the ruling class, and when we do and the majority votes against the wishes of the ruling class, our votes are shown to be as insignificant as Skittles tossed in the ocean.

See, for example, the Loop, the Right to Die issue three years before the Hospital Board, the sale and consumption of marijuana being legal in the state of Colorado, etc., etc., etc.

Where are our town board members as far as following the will of the people, or allowing the people to vote to determine the will of the people?


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