How about this trade?

If Donald J. Trump submitted a proposal trading his presidency for the wall (steel barrier, metal slats, whatever), would Democrats finally admit what their true motives for continuing the shutdown are?

I would love it if we dropped all this nonsense about the Dreamers and DACA and just got to the heart of what rank and file Democrats really want - An end to Republicans being elected to the highest office in the land.

Donald, you want to finally pull the rug out from the Democrat's pious nonsense?  Give them what they really want.  Aren't you about tired of life in Washington?  Just say "I'll resign immediately if you give me the wall that my constituents elected me to build" and see how many excuses they can manufacture at that point for forcing TSA agents into slave labor.

Who really wants this shutdown?  How many stories can NPR shoehorn in about furloughed government firefighters pulling down $60K a year (with their spouses working another job which is not being impacted by the government shutdown) claiming that, after one paycheck, they are suddenly destitute and looking for other work?  I get living paycheck to paycheck if you are paid below the poverty line, but $60K a year is not below the poverty line anywhere except midtown Manhattan, and they don't have any national forests in Central Park last time I checked.

Save your silliness for people who are really suffering.  We have created a generation of crybabies.  The last two times I've been at the grocery store, I've seen people using SNAP money to get better name brand food than I can afford to buy.  At some point, when will Americans honor the model of living within your means, and not feeling entitled to demand something you don't deserve simply because you are angry that others are getting something they worked hard to earn?


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