Finally, business owners other than Charley Dickey and Diane Muno

were interviewed for a news story.  One of the businesses selected is laughable (BTEC hasn't seen a significant drop in business because BTEC didn't have any business to begin with - the joke store on Moraine pays no rent and just is a vanity storage facility for the owner's hobbies, with an open sign to justify having a vanity storage facility for the owner's hobbies), but at least Charley Dickey didn't give his nonsense statistics about how Christmas week at his store was 15% better than Christmas week a year ago, without providing any indication what these actual numbers were (up from $10 in sales to $11.50 in sales, or did Charley sell a couple more pedophile pikas?) and Diane Muno didn't get the opportunity to tell the world once again how many stores she owns.  In any event, the Trail-Gazette doesn't have articles or writers like this - Why not?


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