What do you do before you vote? You take a poll.

Here's the town board saying vote or no vote on the Loop, and weighing the expense of a vote, with some trustees saying they won't allow a vote, and wouldn't respect the outcome of the vote anyway.

So why not save the town a bunch of money and just pay for a poll?  A legitimate poll, not one of CDIV's wet-dream polls fraught with abuse and ballot box stuffing.  Hell, the town pays for outside consultants and focus group moderators at the drop of a hat (or white hate, according to the Trail Gazette), we can't even get people at the hospital to resign without first paying $100,000 for a Pittsburgh lawyer, so $5,000 for a legitimately-conducted Gallup one-question telephone poll would be chicken feed.

And the best part is, the trustees can ignore the results however they want.  If the poll shows 65% of registered Estes Park voters are against the Loop, they can push the Loop forward and make plans for something other than serving on the board come next election.  Heck, if the poll shows 80% of registered Estes Park voters are against the Loop, they can just sit back and let the voters retire them prior to the next election.


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