They're (?) ba-ack

When Estes Truth said goodbye, yet didn't remove their (?) internet or Facebook presence, I told one of the trustees that they (?) were likely just resting, or on hiatus, or, if you read much into their choice of illustrations upon their (?) return, off either restraining the Brobdignagian government or fighting the restraints applied by the small-minded Lilliputians, hard to tell.   A better selection might have been Prometheus chained to a rock, the eagle pecking at his liver, but all of this is so confusing because Estes Truth said goodbye (goodbye meaning sayonara, meaning forever) back in April, remember? and then, like Patrick Duffy in "Dallas", has the temerity to show up today, freshly showered, apparently itching to re-enter the ring.  Or sell t-shirts, hard to tell.

Voting is one way to effect change, running for office is another.  Excuses, well, excuses and checking out doesn't really accomplish much in the way of actual change.  What exactly is Estes Truth advocating for upon their (?) "fooled ya" reappearance?  The sale of more signs?

When it comes to action, there has been only one website and one voice calling for action on the Loop in the past year, and that has been, um, what was that again, I was off reading Homer, or Swift, or listing to Taylor Swift, umm, oh yeah, this one.  No Loop means No Loop.  Not endorsing Pro-Loop candidates and then running away when the going gets tough.  Soft.  Chewy.  Squishes under the thumb.

FOLLOW-UP on June 30, 2018:

Here is the latest Estes Truth white, followed by a six-word rebuttal:
By not voting, right Estes Truth?  Could you provide the link to where Larimer County says you voted in the May 2018 hospital board election?


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