I Have A Dream - As soon as this pedophile Parke pika stops humping my leg

We all tolerate different levels of hypocrisy - I'm sure at some point, those living on property infected by racist covenants are going to inform me I live on land formerly occupied by the Utes or Arapahoe, and inquire when I plan to relocate to a treehouse or, SAC-like, hover off the ground 24 hours a day in a B-1 bomber.  Everyone engaged in this discussion should probably look into moving back to Europe (I hear Latvia is nice) sometime prior to the last lawn dart being thrown.

To me, the nirvana of hypocrisy is achieved only upon witnessing the empty exercise of white folks from a 100% white neighborhood sitting around convincing each other they aren't racist.  It would take a sociology professor about 5 minutes after his/her introduction to Estes Park to ask "and what other possibilities would you like me to examine?" 

The U.S. is not 100% white.  Colorado is not 100% white.  Estes Park (spoiler alert) is not 100% white.  Yet your neighborhood, race-restrictive covenant or not, "expired" race-restrictive covenant or not, potentially backdoor-amended race-restrictive covenant or not, is 100% white.  Explain and expound.

"Well, but we have a family of Mexicans living in the neighborhood (strewing trash all over their front yard, by the way, and attracting bears we are obligated to illegally shoot)."  Yes, but they are renting, and you are racist, and please, at some point, take full credit for your bravery and pay the $2000 fine.

"Well, but minorities have no interest in moving into our neighborhood."  Yes, because you were still writing race-restrictive covenants into your deeds are recently as 55 years ago, so moving into your neighborhood, interested or not, wasn't an option.  It will take more than one "free market" buy-sell cycle (families often will property to their children, if you didn't know) to wash the white supremacists out.

"Well, but look at you, living on former Ute-occupied land, acting all superior."  Yes, but at least my neighborhood's covenants didn't prohibit Native Americans from moving back onto their land.  You are a racist, and stop pretending you didn't know when you purchased your property your neighborhood once openly directed non-whites to a different water fountain.

"Well, but why are you so bent on opening old wounds?"  Because these wounds are obviously still festering and in need of treatment.  Most Estes Park neighborhoods are 100% white, and, somehow, because I am white, you think, after a few minutes of friendly socializing and getting to know one another, you can confide in me your polluted concepts of why discrimination was necessary or tolerable or "excusable" in the past.  Stop bringing up Kevin Mullin from the hospital foundation, as if knowing of his existence or being willing (in the abstract) to invite him to your soiree (if you only knew his address) was the same as selling your adjacent vacant lot to him, so he could build a big house and block your view.  Using an African-American you've spoken perhaps 10 words to as a talisman, as living proof of your empathy and tolerance, is patronizing, not praiseworthy, and even more racist than just keeping your silly blather to yourself.  When are our local houses of worship going to stop coddling and enabling ignorance, and instead start preparing their parishioners for the inescapable "come to Jesus" moment?  Loving your neighbor as yourself is much easier when you surround yourself on all sides with photocopies.

Is Estes Park any closer in 2017 to honoring what Martin Luther King challenged us to honor over a half-century ago, in 1963?  Is every person in Estes Park, regardless of skin tone or religious practice, truly equal?  Is Estes Park "better" regarding acceptance of minorities than it was when the Fair Housing act finally forced it to stop using black ink to write whites-only restrictions, because, for sure, it's cut back drastically on the lynching jokes? 

Dateline September 2017.  How many white Estes Park neighborhoods, how many white Estes Park families, are willing to house Syrian refugees?  Rohingya refugees?  How many white Estes Park residents are flying to Mexico City within the next two weeks to assist with earthquake relief?  How many have booked passage to Puerto Rico over the next month to help with hurricane recovery?  Show of hands, er, hand?



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