2000 cases in two years, 2020 to 2022

"They say that these are not the best of times, but they're the only times I've ever known.  And I believe there is a time for meditation, in cathedrals of our own...For we are always what our situations hand us, it's either sadness or euphoria."  - Billy Joel, "Summer, Highland Falls" (1976)

Reporting of cases in Larimer County has been drastically slowed, and rather than a smooth curve up or down, we have herky-jerky cumulative jumps as a week's worth of cases get entered into the database in one day.  

No matter.  In two years, Estes Park has reported 2000 cases of SARS-CoV-2 infection, or 1000 cases per year.  Either the denominator is 6000, or 10,000, or somewhere in between.  Larimer County doesn't seem to know the difference, or much care.  Our town administrator doesn't want to stick with a number that makes us look bad, so just keep inflating the balloon.  Annex Grand Lake, for all we care.  Just report the numbers and move on.  1 in 3 people with COVID, or 1 in 5 people with COVID in our area, what's the difference?  It's just whoever provided an 80517 Zip code, divided by how many extra people we can convince Larimer County officials might live here, so we don't look as dirty as Berthoud, as unwashed as Wellington.

Or maybe this includes those people who live at the YMCA with a different Zip code.  Hard to know. 

Who really cares?  Either every third person you encounter in the grocery store had COVID or currently has COVID, or every fifth person you encounter.  How is your behavior going to change?  Either you are wearing a mask and believe masks help keep you out of the 20% (or 33%) category, protect you somewhat from the greater risk for Type II diabetes and/or perpetual brain fog, or you never look at the numbers and make your decisions on hope prayer and apathy, plus what your FB feed or coffee klatsch tells you, and can't distinguish brain fog from a lingering hangover anyway.  Screw 'em if they think different.

How high does this go?  When do we stop counting?


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