1943 was a very good year
Remember two years ago, when Estes Park had yet to report its first COVID-19 case? Now we have one thousand nine hundred and forty-three cases over two years of our good lord, or an average of 971 cases per year. Once the Chamber director heads south, that should reduce the case load somewhat (she may account for 50 of these alone), but that is still 1900 that could have been prevented by following basic steps intended to reduce disease transmission of aerosolized viral particles, and keeping up-to-date on vaccine doses, for a vaccine that is the most efficacious and least harmful in the history of medicine.
I don't know if the denominator for these 1900 cases are 6000 people living in Estes Park or 10,000 people living in the Estes "Valley" or 4 million people visiting RMNP every year. In any event, if it is somewhere between 6000 and 10,000, that means, best case scenario, one in five Estes Park residents, were unable to keep themselves virus-free over the past 730 days. (Or one in six if you remove the Chamber CEO, which she did all by herself, Allah be praised).
The march towards one million is slowing, but will still breach the wall sometime in the next two weeks Worldometers-wise. Remember two Easters ago, when our president promised we would all be back in church and this all would be over? Happy Easter, those 1 million fewer U.S. citizens who couldn't avoid that orange-colored tidal wave of bullshark.
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