Rock Inn - Active Outbreak

Wild Rose - Active Outbreak

Let's see, these businesses are part of the wonderful, fantastic "Level Up" program which allows them to behave abnormally compared to remaining businesses that don't bother filling out the one-page form.  It allows them to pack more people into their establishments than is warranted, obviously, since they have active outbreaks as currently reported on the Larimer County dashboard.

Let's see how long before anyone in the town administration or the Chamber of Commerce or the businesses themselves comment on these active outbreaks among those with this "favored nation" status.  Let's see which town or VEP website is the first to warn tourists searching for a place to eat that is considered "safe" that Wild Rose and Rock Inn currently have active outbreaks.

This is day #1.  The count begins.  (Note:  The count only has the ability of going up to Day 9,999 before it resets.  So the odometer may read 71, but that may actually be day 10,071.)

(Note:  The reason for this reminder is because it is extremely unlikely that anything will be done to warn tourists that "Level Up" has no meaning, except for the little sticker the businesses receive to prominently display on their window, and free advertising on the Chamber website.  It doesn't mean they are actually doing anything to attempt to keep their facility COVID-free, or suffer any consequences for not doing anything to keep their facility COVID-free.)


  1. Have you been out of your basement long enough to see how far apart the few tables allowed at the Rock Inn are?

    1. What a quality individual you are, scared child! Are you aware that the County considers only TWO cases to be an OUTBREAK? I know, big scary word that has you wetting yourself and running around crying "Outbreak!! There's another outbreak!! Everybody hide, everybody shut everything down!! There's an OUTBREAK!!".
      Well, at least this topic got you away from some of your previous obsessions, at least temporarily ..... did you get treatment for your Pika rants?


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