Tell us what you really think, though, Dick

At some point, Dick Spielman needs to stop sugar-coating stuff and tell everyone how he REALLY feels.  Did someone put oatmeal in your pee, Dick?
Transcription:  Mayor, trustees, and county commissioners, You may have noticed that I stayed away from the "Coaster Fiasco".  I did not write or speak to any of you concerning the events leading up to Cody's [Cody Rex Walker's] recall.  Being quiet about such things is not in my nature [,] but I have an inherent dislike of the recall process.  This is not to say that I approved of any of the slimy actions leading to the code changes that allowed that project to go forward [,] or that I approved of the unethical behavior (perceived or not) that the Town staff and some of you took part in.  Even if you were not involved in the wrong doing [sic, suggest wrongdoing] [,] you should have spoken up and condemned it.  I have always felt that at least one of the town staff should have been fired.  At least staff should have been investigated and reprimanded or censured.  [new paragraph] Now I find myself in a situation that I can't ignore; the contemplated changes in the IGA [sic sentence [technically independent clause] fragment - either drop the semi-colon or introduce a verb].  The town and county have provided several ways to canvas [sic, suggest canvass] the valley population as to how to proceed with redoing our IGA.  They [sic, the town and county?  I think Dick means to say "the several ways of canvassing"] have been well attended and responded to [sic, sentence ends with preposition].  One thing has become evident, thru [sic, through] several large surveys [sic, there were no large surveys], small group discussions, an online questionnaire, comment forms, individual conversations, emails to you, public comment at several town meetings, trustee chats [sic, trustee talks], mayor breakfasts [sic, likely Mr. Spielman means mayor's chats, unless he meets over breakfast with the mayor], and letters to the editors [presumably meaning the editors of the local Estes Park newspapers]; [sic, again, Dick needs to learn how to use a semi-colon] The citizens of this valley want to continue having one comp plan, one planning commission, and one code.  Several of you (those with the most experience in planning and zoning) are very in favor of retaining our present situation, but there are some among you who have chosen to disregard the wishes of the public and scrap the system that has been I [sic, suggest in] place for 20 years.  Your reasons for this have been evasive and vague.  This is not an ignorant electorate and I think they smell a rat.  Their sense of smell has become quite acute over the past two years and will only increase as elections draw closer.  [new paragraph] Needless to say, like most others, I am in favor of retaining the one valley, one commission, one comp plan idea.  You should be too. [signed] Dick Spielman 584 Audubon St 21 year [sic, suggest 21-year] resident of this exceptional place. [sic sentence fragment]


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