So I've got good news and bad news.

The good news is, my favorite restaurant, "Ride-A-Kart", home of the filet de popcorn and the T-bone Slushee, is right there at the top of the Larimer County EXCELLENT list.  I'm also pleased to see that the Stanley Hotel dug itself out of the crap hole it was dwelling in, and is now GOOD.  (Where do you want to eat?  The Stanley Hotel is good, meaning okay, meaning not great.)

The very bad news is that two Larimer County restaurants are officially UNACCEPTABLE, and one of them is the main (original) location of Smokin Dave's right here in Estes Park.  Just when I thought Cousin Pat's was going to take the prize for local food joint most likely to have the main course followed by hospitalization (rather than dessert), Smokin Dave's steps in all brown-eyed and salmonella-laden.


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