I'm sorry you had to see this

The Estes Pickers Museum (sorry, Estes Pickering Museum) is out panhandling for money again, this time asking for public assistance in setting up an "acquisitions fund".  I have to laugh, because when the Pickering family enlists the public in helping them offload some of the free things they got from the Estes Park Trail-Gazette and others for cash money, it is called "philanthropic" and "forward thinking" by the Pickerings and their bought-and-paid-for paper instead of "self-serving" and "fraudulent", and no one in Estes Park is the wiser, because no one in Estes Park is generally (a) sober or (b) carrying around a full grown-up complement of neurons.

Do these items include all of Jim and Nancy's stuff currently being unsuccessfully hawked on Ebay?

Eventually Estes Park residents will all evolve with a nose ring so they can be led around more easily by this brother-sister duo, but if you are dumb enough to hand over money to a capodecina, one that will turn around and pay their crime family your hard-earned money for their soft-core crap, you have created what is known as a "circle jerk" where you are both the willing participant and the one left holding the empty bag after the room clears, spent and dirty.

In Hawaii, where this kind of conflict of interest became so rampant major public officials lost their livelihoods (see, for example, the Bishop Estates and Robert Van Dyke fiasco, provided you are able to copy and paste these words into a search engine and can wade into paragraphs longer than two sentences), a few honest judges and newspaper editors were around to battle this corruption.  Not so in little Estes, where the Pickerings serve as judge, jury, prosecuting attorney, bailiff, audience members, and pickpockets robbing their hired advocacy groups marching with signs outside.

Sure, I'd love to sell my Happy Meals toys as overpriced treasures to rich morons using a patina of "securing history" rather than "securing another BMW to park in front of another trophy home", but a sense of decency and moral tenets instilled by my parents and teachers prevents me from doing so.  Not so with the Traveling Jim and Nancy Show, sprung from a family tradition, apparently, of believing the only good transaction is one where the suckers are bled dry, and you get yourself appointed to 10 more boards of your own creation in the bargain.  The "Let's Honor a Pedophile" travesty is proof positive of how glib and grimy their "history angle" grift is, especially disappointing when the general public is told the man being honored is a pedophile, and does absolutely nothing about it, in fact, hands over their children and asks "can you indoctrinate them too?"

There are big fish in small ponds, and then there are piranhas who thumb a ride into goldfish bowls, where the goldfish are so stupid they swim directly into their predators' mouths.  Someone in Estes Park should at least attempt to offer token resistance, but its hard when the vast majority of residents are so dumb and cow-like and worried about not raising their voice above a whisper they can't distinguish telemarketing fraudsters from 911 operators.   Shame on you, Estes Park, for creating your own laughably backwards town, or allowing outsiders to come in and take your history from you and then sell it directly back to you at a 4000% markup.


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