Our Man In The Street - Bigger Is Not Necessarily Better

Bigger is not necessary better.  I'm referring to the new updated and expanded Safeway.  The checkout lines are still too long, with closed stands.  The aisles are still crowded with clerks stocking shelves, a job which should be done at night.  Also, the parking lot is jammed with delivery trucks blocking parking spots.  Last Friday, a beer truck was blocking 10 to 12 parking spots at 8:30 a.m.  Deliveries should be made off-hours, or away from the customer parking area.  The shelves for three items I purchase on a regular basis (for ice cream, cheese, and breakfast sandwiches) were empty.  What's new?  The only "improvements" I noted were an expanded beer section and a larger deli.  I assume both are to better serve tourists, not locals.  Being a skeptic, I also believe the "improvements" were made mainly to discourage competition.  Have you ever seen a less-friendly bunch of employees in a business supposedly catering to the public?  Bring on King Soopers!

Ed. Note:  I couldn't agree more.  Why expand a grocery store, and not expand the number of checkout lanes, or even self-checkout lanes?  Even the checkout lanes they have are not always fully manned.  If the Estes Park store truly is Colorado's crown jewel in the summertime (as far as generating revenue for HQ, not as far as efficiency or cleanliness or friendliness), why not turn it into something we don't have to constantly apologize for, and make allowances for?  Come on, Safeway, put some of the revenue this store generates back into creating a state-of-the-art supermarket that can handle increased traffic, instead of making it always look like the line for the bathrooms at halftime of a Broncos football game.  If King Soopers continues to strongly consider and then shy away from acquiring Estes Park property, why not do your job, EDC, and actively recruit another supermarket chain like Lidl or Aldi?  Shopping for groceries should not have to be a nightmare experience or a burden or something to avoid until you have gnawed off your left arm.


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