Unsurprising results of Friday telephone poll

Ballots have been mailed, some people have already received theirs, so on Friday, with everyone snowed in, we called 200 registered voters in the town of Estes Park at random, based on a list or current registered voters provided by the Larimer County Clerk. The question was simple: Name two of the seven candidates for town trustee in the April 2024 election you are most likely to vote for, and two of the seven candidates for town trustee you are most likely NOT to vote for. Results below, with a 6% margin of error - these results do not indicate who will win (although the top two vote getters will almost certainly win, as the top four get a full or partial term) or who will lose (although the top two finishers in most likely to not succeed category carry high negatives, so these "weights around the neck" will have to be canceled out by a large contingent of buoyant supporters). These results just indicate who is ahead at this time, and who has some obstacles to overcome. Candidates who didn't show up on either list could still win, as they may pick up people's "extra" fourth vote in large enough numbers to enter the top four. Top two finishers
Top two finishers in a negative way


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