Let me make this perfectly clear
Kirby H. was asked by the T-G cub reporter Will Oster via email on January 3 to essential do his job for him (because he was too lazy or too distant from Estes Park to attend), asking our talking trustee to essentially "cover" the candidate forum for him, the hour-long presentation held in the town hall on January 2.
Kirby H. was not in attendance, at least she was not in the building at the time the event started at 6:00 p.m., and not seated in any of the rows provided for people in attendance at any point during the presentation. She was seen standing in the back of the room at the end, and may have been there for 15 minutes prior to the event officially ending, but she never made her presence known (unlike Frank Lancaster, for example, or Travis Machalek) and who in the hell stands in the back of a room to "participate" in an event unless they are spying or scared? Would you elect a trustee who spent every board meeting hiding in the bushes outside? And then, when asked by a lazy reporter who didn't know any better for insight into one particular meeting where they were outside chatting up a buddy the whole time, claimed they ran the entire meeting in the absence of the mayor?
The tape will show that Kirby H. went on record at the last town board meeting as stating she was the only person in attendance at the last candidate forum held two years ago, which is either a convenient rewriting of history, or a sign of early-onset dementia. Other people were in the same room, as was pointed out at that meeting. So we have a trustee who either lies or alters the truth at their convenience, or again, is so blind to other people in the room they completely ignore their presence. Maybe a sense of self-worth or navel gaznig self-preservation or childish reversion requires a person to erase all others in the room. Regardless of where her shifty definition of "truth" lies, it doesn't suggest a very "with-it" trustee, one you want in office or, heaven forbid, voted back into office, no matter how smooth she talks or how "I'm so pretend interested in your problems" [Ed. note: pulling out a notepad at this juncture] she runs her lifelong "I'm so pretend interested in your problems" campaign.
She has done nothing to represent or support her own neighborhood, indeed, the reason there is a noise ordinance drawn up by the citizenry is because she kept denying there are any noise problems in Estes Park, or businesses right in her backyard who consistently create obnixous noise levels above 90 decibels, which is an OSHA violation, but apparently causes her no great loss of focus or even penetrates her self-created nimbus haze of misplaced overconfidence and fake empathy. Why do we need such a trustee, where the citizens have to do her own job for her?
At a 2023 summer trustee talk, Kirby H. promised one of the tenants of Gaslight Square to their face to come and look into the problem of parking caused by Loop construction, and then did everything after that to avoid following up on the promise which she herself initiated, until that person went out of business because of the lack of parking, so she could conveniently forget all about the parking issue or the suffering business owner. Gaslight Square is about 20 baby steps from where she resides. She is great "on-camera" (as long as you overlook the lying or alternate history creation), yet incredibly lousy when it comes to follow through or accomplishing anything beyond boilerplate blab.
The fact that she then told the cub reporter in this instance that she was in attendance at the forum without indicating for how long, or in what (in)attentive or (non)interactive capacity, was more gaslighting from the reigning Queen of Gaslighting.
I'm fed up with her playacting. Either be a trustee or don't be a trustee, but don't try to score brownie points with your "I was on vacation but I tuned in to the town board meeting" as if you are Little Miss Lucubration. Who actually knows if you tuned in, or did the book report without cribbing from Cliff Notes? Given your history, you likely watched your toes wiggling in the sand, but felt quite comfortable saying you were instead glued to a screen, your handy spiral notebook at the ready. Hell, you managed to convince a cub reporter you were front, center, and on time to a candidate forum, conveniently slighting three other trustees and a mayor who actually were at the candidate forum, punctually in their seats, by avoiding owning up to it and admiting "Sorry, I was late, but here is who might know better".
Thank u, next.
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