Where was the apology?

Indeed, where was any acknowledgement from the mayor that the Kato family departed Estes Park in 1943 not of their own accord? Where was even a hint (or was it a hint by omission, the evasion that it isn't so much what notes the jazz musician plays, but what notes they leave out) that our local government voted unanimously to turn the Kato family, 50% of them U.S. citizens, into pariahs? Or did we avoid admitting any of this because, if circumstances recur in 2023, we would unfailingly do the same again?
Let's see, because tensions are rising between the U.S. and China right now, and China may indeed soon invade Taiwan, there will likely be growing advocacy among the hick contingent for the "deportation" of everyone of Chinese descent living within a 10-mile radius once this invasion occurs. Suppose this deportation, God forbid, was actually carried out - After such rampantly ignorant behavior, and the U.S. being what the U.S. is, clinging with every desperate fingerhold to white supremacy, should we blandly invite descendants back decades later and pretend these Chinese families, 50% of them U.S. citizens, left of their own free will? How fucking backwards-ass white trash stupid is Estes Park to bring a family (or a proxy individual representing the family, inquiring minds want to know: "Where was June?", and if now too frail to travel, how sad everyone fought this suggestion 10 years ago) back into town to do nothing more than acknowledge their existence and admit they existed in the past, completely whitewashing the fact they left Estes Park because they were forced to leave Estes Park, because the bleakly, perpetually racist, eternally fascist component of Estes Park wasn't counterbalanced at the time (or, hell, even in modern times) by, well, anyone? Shame on those who pretend to reassure us after this pathetic, Eric Rose-style exercise in closet-rapist reassurance that we've somehow grown and changed as a community.


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