Poem/Song hanging over a planning commission map in Town Hall

Title: Mountain Town NIMBY Verse 1:  I love my mountain town, it's peaceful and serene But now they want to build, a higher density scene I don't want my nature to be compromised I don't want my town to be commercialized Chorus:  I'm a NIMBY, not in my backyard I'm a NIMBY, not in my backyard Verse 2:  I don't want new developments to block my mountain viewI have purchased zoning rights, so maybe I should sue!I don't want the extra noise, the traffic, or the crowd,When there is a public meeting, my opinion will be loud! Chorus:  I'm a NIMBY, not in my backyardI'm a NIMBY, not in my backyard Verse 3:  I'm not against development, but this is the wrong locationI'm fighting for the dream I had while I was here on vacation!I'm standing up for what's right, for what we hold dearWe are the NIMBYs, and we will not disappear! Chorus:  I'm a NIMBY, not in my backyardI'm a NIMBY, not in my backyard Bridge:  What about the elk and what about the wildfires?What about the damage caused by all the extra tires?I'm a true local, living here four months out of the yearI don't think we need more workforce housing here!Our property values are what the Town wants to kill,So why can't we just bus the workers down the hill? Outro:  I'm a NIMBY, not in my backyardI'm a NIMBY, not in my backyardI will keep on fighting and showing up at Town HallI have the most resources and free time of them all
Comments:  (1) This was obviously placed in public view to be found by the public to generate a reaction(2) This was not something lifted from the internet, but something homegrown(3) The overuse of exclamation points suggests a feminine hand(4) The use of musical terms like "bridge" and "outro" suggests someone familiar with writing or performing music, although the lyrics themselves are execrable and beneath any true songwriter(5) This is the kind of juvenile behavior that can lead to disillusionment and loss of faith in government of the people, by the people and for the people.  Why engage in it, and why won't the person(s) responsible admit to it?


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