The Big Nothing

If we can just talk this problem away, we have solved the problem. -Estes Park Town Trustees
Now that Larimer County has passed the buck on housing or helping migrants newly arrived into Colorado, what is Estes Park going to do to step up and offer assistance? Or are we just going to mouth the same excuses, wish everyone the best, and not step up to the plate? This time of year in Estes Park, there are plenty of hotel rooms available, plenty of restaurants with open tables, plenty of retired folks with time on their hands, and, from the latest reports, a town obviously flush with cash, or we wouldn't be allocating another $1 million to a road project without batting an eye. What is more important - Human lives or roads? Human lives or comprehensive plans? Human lives or sales tax collection? We have zero burden in Estes Park with homeless folks, because we provide no safety net, especially on weekends, and chase them elsewhere. We are effectively insulating ourselves from suffering instead of helping our minorities, which is the guidepost separating good government from big-talking government. Sign me disappointed, because I already know in advance what the response from our elected officials and town staff will be regarding alleviating human suffering in our state and taking responsibility for rewards given, paying it forward, and stewardship and decency to our fellow man: A big nothing.


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