You won't be reading this in any other newspaper or on any town website

Another Covid-19 death in Estes Park. An 82-year-old male.
I'm not claiming any connection, but here is an 82-year-old male who died of pneumonia at Estes Park Health on September 9. This individual was a physician. There are viral pneumonias, bacterial pneumonias, fungal pneumonias, and chemical pneumonias. if anyone would know this, it would be a physician. I certainly wouldn't want anyone in Estes Park to burden themselves with asking a follow-up question, or being forced to confront the reality that COVID-19 is still taking lives. Dr. Crislip died of pneumonia in the heat of summer. Makes sense. That is when pneumonia is most rampant. I certainly wouldn't want the local newspaper of record to lift a finger to look into this or even mention it beyond hitting the send button on "Congratulations to the Community Center Swimming Pool (run by a member of their editorial board) for self-citing themselves as the safest pool in the greater Estes Park area."
Plus Dr. Crislip worked for Salud. And Salud definitely cut into Estes Park Health's mojo. Oh well, just another old person passing away in a community full of them. No reason to scare anyone by reminding them they might be dying of a preventable disease.


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