Why shop local?

Currently, Safeway has the cheapest gas in Estes Park (Loaf and Jug is 10 cents cheaper if you want to give them all your private information and be harrassed repeatedly by text and email) at $4.69 per gallon, which is about like saying Idaho Central Community College has the 375th ranked football program among division III schools. it is nothing to brag about, and, indeed, makes you wonder if Safeway execs enjoy pulling the wings off of flies, as much as they are raping guests and locals alike.
Of course, Estes Park residents are stupid for even bothering to purchase more than 1 gallon of gasoline anywhere inside Estes Park. Lyons is presently 80 cents a gallon cheaper, and right now, as of Wednesday, August 10, 2022, three stations near the main Longmont exit off of I-25 are selling regular unleaded gasoline (85 octane) at $2.95 a gallon. This bears repeating, because I fear some of my readership is too timid to react unless being shouted at: GASOLINE IN LONGMONT IS CURRENTLY $1.60 PER GALLON CHEAPER THAN IN RAPEVILLE, SORRY, THAN IN ESTES PARK. Of course, you can do what you want with this information. I have decided to boycott both the Safeway gas station and Safeway in Estes Park from today forward, because why wouldn't I want to save $15 on gasoline and use this extra $15 on cheaper groceries in Loveland or Longmont? Am I a sheep? Am I stupid? Do you old folks out there in internet land have some kind of justification for spending $15 more per fill-up to support a faceless corporation that hasn't bothered lowering their prices all summer, even when the average price per gallon over the past three weeks nationwide has dropped by 60 cents? What a town. What a bunch of sorry sad-sacks who live in that town, too lazy to protest and too broken down and defeated to raise your voices above a whimper. You get the town you deserve, and you deserve the chemical-laden, overpriced groceries you consume, and the $1.60 per gallon raping you willingly submit to. Remember the prices in this photo, and remember that 3 cent/gallon discount for having a Safeway card? Ancient history, never to return. Do you remember any time in Estes Park's history where gas prices 30 miles away were 35% cheaper than in Estes Park? Do you enjoy bending over and feeling a firm thrust in the buttocks while searching for loose change, or something else that doesn't exist?


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